“Where is Nature?” Art Show Through May 11th
at ANE's West Wing Gallery
*** Please attend a special Meet the Artist reception on
Friday, May 4th, 6-8pm ***
Friday, May 4th, 6-8pm ***
A giant beaver puppet hangs from the rafters, exhorting us to “step it up” on climate change efforts. In a piece entitled ‘Escape’, a tranquil island hangs suspended in air; suggesting both sanctuary and isolation. Mock posters display empty beer cans, conifer trees and auto parts advertising what is lost and found in nature. These and other works by artists from just down the street from Antioch New England’s West Wing Gallery to the suburbs of Anchorage, Alaska explore the question “Where is Nature?” from a myriad of provocative and evocative perspectives.
The exhibit was conceived of in concert with the theme of the next volume of Whole Terrain: Journal of Reflective Environmental Practice (published since 1992 with pieces that explore the deeper shades of diverse topics from “Play“ and “Resilience,” to “Risk” and “Ceremony and Celebration” (www.wholeterrain.org) and will be showing through May 11th (gallery hours: Monday-Friday noon-7pm). There will be a ‘meet the artist’ reception on Friday, May 4th from 6:00-8:00pm,. Come view the art, talk to some of those who created it, relax to live classical music, and partake of light refreshments. Artists include:
John Bajowski
Hannah E. Carpenter
Polly Chandler
Aviva Cohen
Deb Crowder
Erika Curtiss
Mark Dannenhauer
Tim Gaudreau
Bonnielee Hooper
Annie Jacobs
Cassandra Lee Medvidosky
Beth Minor
Rowland S. Russell
Sandra-Leigh Spreckner
Stephanie Tickner
Stay tuned for details on other events to be held in the conjunction with the show. These will include a panel discussion entitled “The Art of Activism” with “Where is Nature?” artists (tentatively 5/10 at noon), as well as two screenings of musician’s Michael Franti’s“I Know I’m Not Alone” a visually and musically stunning chronicle of his exploration, though music, of the human cost of war in Iraq, Israel and Palestine (Thursday 5/3 at 5pm and Friday 5/4 at 12noon).
All events are free and open to the general public. For more information, email us at: whole_terrain@antiochne.edu. Sponsored by Whole Terrain, Student Alliance, & Feeding the Writer, a student group that supports writers and creative events in the ANE Community
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